Tomorrow’s Traditional Music History... Filmed Today!
Explore Three Documentary Film Series
Conversations with North American Banjo Builders

Conversations with today’s roster of extraordinary artists and craftsmen that build this remarkable instrument.
Conversations with
Old-Time Performers

Conversations with those musicians that have dedicated their lives to passing on the flame of Traditional music.

Conversations with folklorists, ethnomusicologists, violin and guitar builders, Old-time music publishers and more!
“Tradition is not to preserve the ashes, but to pass on the flame.”
–Gustav Mahler
“History books and the internet can report the facts of one’s life. But meeting and filming the real person, face-to-face in the context of their lives, hearing and seeing their passion in describing their life’s adventure can tell you more about their heart and soul (the ‘fire’) than any printed biography.”
–Craig Evans, Filmmaker

Pre-order the latest book by Craig Evans
Explore the BookThe Clifftop Reels
Every year, Craig travels over a thousand miles to attend the Southern Appalachian String Band festival, commonly know as Clifftop. Up to four-thousand Old-time musicians from around the world and all 50 states gather to commune and celebrate the music.